
Howdy dudes and dudettes! Well, it's pretty simple. If you've got questions about your Nikon D3100, you can start a new discussion and get tons of helpful replies from other D3100 owners all across the world, including yours truly. :)

To get started, go ahead and register an account here at Camera Tips.

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Happy shooting!


  • Howdy @jamie - Welcome to the forum! Good to have another D3100'ite. ;)
  • I just joined! Just bought a 3100d and need to learn what I'm doing.
  • edited April 2013
    Just joined! Bought a D3100 a week ago and the testing period is now over. It's time to start knowing what i'm doing.
  • Hi folks, had my D3100 for about 18 months and love learning something new.
  • Howdy @saabbhoy - Welcome to the forum!
  • Hi everone! I bought the Nikon D3100 mainly to take pictures of my 11 month baby boy. I'm looking forward to getting to know this camera and learning how to get the most from it.
  • New to the DSLR world. As a graduation gift my wife got D3100, so I'm here to learn how to take a picture of her walking across the stage. My wheelhouse is cameras that have phones (loving the HDR option on the iPhone 4)
  • Hey guy's, lookin' to learn how to actually use my D3100 out of AUTO-MODE... lol
  • Hello - thrilled to have found you! Amazing site especially for someone like me who is about to get her first Nikon D3100 "big girl" camera. I hope this is the start of a great hobby as I would love to be able to become good enough for editorial work...someday! Thank you!
  • this is awesome!
  • Hello Nikon lovers !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hi just joined and its all new to me this type of camera. I did take a few shots at weekend and well when I opened them upon my MacBook it said error images not found. And gave a list !
  • Bumpity bump :)
  • Hello,
    Just found you on the net (where else). Just typed in D3100 and up you piped. I live in England and this is my way of letting you know i have arrived!
  • Howdy! Just joined. New here.
  • Howdy @SilverNovice and @julieb9 ...welcome aboard! :)
  • just purchased ur cheat cards Moose, ty, this will kickstart me to regaining my confidence again xxx
  • Hi im new here....hope to develope my skills here (,")
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