Hot-shoe? Flash? Help!

edited July 2012 Posted in » Nikon D5100 Forum
I read through some of the forums and this particular one puzzled me: "In regards to the flash, mount it to your hot-shoe and point it towards the ceiling. This will give you the ability to bounce the flash, giving you more even coverage throughout the studio/room and more natural looking shots indoors." How do you mount the flash? What is a hot-shoe? Can the flash be removed? How do you hold the camera to get the flash to bounce off the ceiling? I'm lost!


  • edited July 2012
    The hot-shoe is directly above the eyepiece on top of the camera. You may just see 2 metal strips with plastic between them (which is removable). Keep this bit of plastic safe it protects the hot-shoe. When you have removed the plastic you can then attach a flash. Make sure that any contacts on the flash are not protruding as you will damage the flash and possibly the hot-shoe trying to force it on. Then use the securing ring to lock it into place.

    I believe the 400 is the cheapest Nikon flash. It is just a front facing more powerful version of the pop up flash. If you decide to use a third party flash then check to see if it is TTL. If not you will have to set the pop-up flash to manual or this will try and activate whenever the camera detects that the flash is required.

    I have the YN560 ii. This is a manual flash and the head tilts 90 degrees towards the ceiling, 90 degrees in one direction and 270 degrees in the other direction so you don't have to hold the camera any differently; you just adjust the head of the flash.

    I give myself a wider stance when I have a flash gun on and a 70-300mm lens. I have adopted for it with every lens, even without the flash, just to keep the habit.
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