One of the settings that the D7100 has that is missing from the D5300 is the ability to lock the mirror up prior to shutter release. The mirror up setting on the D5300 is for cleaning the sensor.
I'm wanting to reduce vibration as much as possible for tripod/remote release scenery shots. Does the "exposure delay mode" (d5) lock the mirror up? Also, there is a lot of flopping noises when shots are taken in Lv mode, which I like to use for composition. I can't differentiate between mirror noise and shutter noise. Is the mirror locked up during shutter release in Lv mode? I've found that you also can use EDM with Lv.
In short, which settings lock the mirror up for shooting scenery?
Although some older designs did lower the mirror when exposing in Live View, but I'm pretty sure this one does not. It's easy to check. Put the camera in M exposure mode, and remove the lens. Push the LV button. The mirror will be seen to flip up. Fire it (it will still fire with no lens in M mode). If the mirror does not flip down, you're in luck. That means that in LV mode, you're essentially mirrorless, and need not use EDM.
Doing as you suggest with a 5 sec exposure, the mirror does flip up on firing but then flips back down in 5 seconds. Not a big deal for long exposure times since any vibration will be mitigated, but for normal exposures of a fraction of a second I'm assuming that I need to use EDM? For example, 1/125 the mirror flip appears instantaneous, which I presume may cause slight vibration due to the mirror not being locked up?
As I mentioned, I did a little test on my D3200 and my wife's D7100, and discovered that the D7100 does show a little vibration when on a tripod, but only in a certain range, about 1/25 down to 1/4 second. Even there it was slight, and did not affect hand holding. Even a sturdy tripod has a certain pet frequency at which it can vibrate.
Since I think this is one of those things that varies not only with model, but with sample, both of camera and mount, your best bet might be to test it yourself.
I'd put the thing on a tripod, and for convenience use shutter priority and Auto ISO. If you have a choice of tripods, test with the flimsiest one. Use IR remote if possible, so you know your results are only from within the camera. Shoot at something with very sharp edge detail, such as a shelf of DVD cases, or a newspaper with distinguishable print. Try different shutter speeds, with and without EDM, and then open them in the computer and pixel peep them at 100 percent or so. You will find out in a hurry if there is any range in which mirror vibration makes a difference.
I'm betting there will be very little, and what there is will occur only in a fairly narrow band of shutter speeds. You can use EDM or Live View for those, and relax about the rest.
I'd try both, and since you're composing in LV anyway, if it gives you the focus and exposure you need, and you're not running low on battery power, then there's no need to shift back to the viewfinder for the shot. You can just stay in LV and shoot mirrorless.