Shooting and wearing glasses

edited December 2016 Posted in » General Discussion
A few weeks ago I switched from contact lenses to glasses. Although my deviation is not very big (about -2) it is nevertheless affecting taking pictures. I do prefer using the viewfinder, however, because of my cylindrical deviation I can not correct well with the Dioptric adjustment knob. Shooting with glasses results in a reduced image while taking the picture. A dilemma. Does anyone have experience or tips?



  • edited July 2016
    When you say you get a reduced image, do you mean the image is smaller, or that you can't see the whole frame? I'm assuming the latter.

    Some cameras have a fairly high eyepoint, which means you can set your eye further back and still see the whole frame, and those can be pretty glasses friendly. Nikon full frame cameras began using high eyepoint finders on the film F3. The DX digitals may not be as good. If you can't adjust the diopter well to view without glasses, about all you can do is to learn to look around the frame piecemeal.

    I have a similar problem without glasses, using an eyepiece magnifier on the D3200 both to get better focus and to increase the positive diopter. It reduces eyepoint so that only by squeezing right in can one see the whole frame even without glasses, but you can move your eye a bit and check it out even if it's difficult to see all at once.

    Sorry to say, though, I know of no elegant solutions for this, especially with DX cameras whose finders are a bit small already.
  • edited December 2016
    Bad vision runs in my family. I'm just waiting for mine to finally say, that's it, I'm done. My recommendation, and you may think this sounds bizarre, but believe it or not, I've known people to do it - it's normal.

    Take your camera in with you to have your eyes tested. Professional photographers with glasses have to ensure their lenses work in line with their professions. They may recommend bifocals, expensive at times, but built to work with your eyes and not against!
  • I think the above suggestion is very sensible. Most of the Nikons currently made have a fairly high eyepoint, which means that they may be used with glasses, but the best way to make sure that the built in diopter works with the glasses is to try it on the spot. Different models may vary. The lower end is pretty skimpy on positive diopters, but better on negative. The D7100 has more positive range.
  • edited January 2017
    I have the same problem. Tried to shoot with glasses and returned back to contact lenses, because I didn't know what to do. But I'm going to follow your recommendations, maybe it will help. Thank you!
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