I charge my battery, but if I don't use the camera within a few days the battery goes dead. What's up with that? Should I charge the battery and leave it out of the camera until I'm ready to use it?
It should stay charged for quite a while, and be good for many shots even when it's partly depleted. I'd try taking out the battery to see how long it lasts then. It is possible the battery is just getting tired. A spare battery is never a bad idea.
Second what Haggis says. In fact, some batteries may not interact correctly with the camera, as Nikon is a bit fussy. You can get third party batteries that are OK from places like B&H, but beware of anonymous net vendors.
I too agree with @HAGGIS. Third party vendors should be avoided unless places like B&H are supporting them. If that is the case, those batteries have met the test of time with B&H.