Shutter button

edited March 2016 Posted in » Canon T5 / 1200D Forum
I have had my Canon EOS T5 1200D for a couple of months and had no problems. All of a sudden the shutter button doesn't work on either one of the lenses on AF. I have reset my camera to original mode, but that doesn't change anything. Does anyone have any suggestions?


  • edited March 2016
    Most cameras of this type have "focus priority", which means that the shutter will not operate if the lens does not focus. Make sure that if you are using a single point focus, the focus point has not moved up into the sky by accident.

    Accidentally moving the focus point is a perennial problem on low end Nikons, and though I think it's done a bit differently on Canons, it should be checked.

    Also make sure the lens is actually operating correctly, and the focus moving when you auto focus. It might be a good idea to remove the lens and make sure the camera's contacts are clean.
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