No review here, but my wife has a D7100. I was going to write a lengthy bit about it but the short answer is that for two things you most seem interested in, the improvement is probably not going to be that great. The D7100 has many fine features and reasons you might want one, but its buffer is notoriously small, making for about the same number of shots at 24 mpx as the D5100 gets at its density. Although the high ISO performance is good, it's probably not enough better than yours to notice in most cases. You should get better low light AF and viewing, though. The D7200 has a much improved buffer and another step of high ISO performance, so if you're looking for an upgrade, I'd go straight for that one. In the process you get the better viewfinder, AF, lens versatility and whatnot of the D7xxx, which you may not need but won't mind having.