Low Res Picture Quality

Posted in » Canon T2i Forum
edited January 2015
Just joined and this is my first post.

I consider myself to be about a 6 or 7 out of a 10 on photo skills. I have only used Canon cameras, have had the T2i for about 2 years, almost always shot in auto or no flash, and never use my tripod (too dumb to figure out how manual settings work). It all seems to be Greek to me when I try reading how to shoot manually.

I shoot everything on the highest setting, but lately my pictures are coming out looking like they were shot at a lower res. Once I crop the pictures I don't have the sharp picture I would expect. About the only pictures that turn out are ones taken outside in bright light.

Does the SD card matter (speed of the card)?

Any tips or ideas?


  • edited January 2015
    Does the speed of your SD card impact image quality? No.

    You should expect photos taken in daylight to be of better quality. They’re likely to be taken at your camera’s base ISO (probably 100) which offers the cleanest image with highest dynamic range.
    You should expect photos taken in low-light to be of lesser quality. They’re likely to be taken at high-ISO which while giving greater sensitivity, give you grainy images with lowest dynamic range.

    So, nothing is wrong with your camera. You just probably took mostly outdoor shots when you first bought the camera and only lately started to shoot a lot indoors.

    By the way, you MUST get out of using Auto mode. You don’t have to jump into Manual mode, just use any of the 2 semi-auto modes (Aperture priority and shutter priority). Take control of your camera and you’ll create much better photos.
  • edited January 2015
    If you are shooting in Auto, then you are not choosing high settings as you stated in your post - the camera is choosing them. I agree with the last post and think you should try moving to aperture (AV) mode in the first instance. However, see my post in general discussion about program mode (P). In either case, I would suggest you set your ISO to Auto1600. Anything above 1600 on the T2i (550D) generates too much noise. Generally, on my T2i I use ISO Auto800.
  • Hey @tclcummings - I agree with everything @ohyeahar pointed out. If possible, post a couple pictures online (Flickr) and then link to a gallery with your test shots. This will allow me to see the image data and figure out what's going wrong. All the best!
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