Shooting fireworks

Posted in » Canon T3i Forum
edited July 2014
I am going to see the fireworks tonight and want to take a bunch of pictures and make them come out nice. I have the Canon Rebel T3i and will use my tripod. I will be shooting in RAW & JPEG combo mode. I have the handle that allows for two batteries to be installed and I'm using a Kingston 128GB SDXD card. I have the aperture set at 100 and I'm going to use the wired remote to take the shots. My question is this, should I use the 28-135mm lens or the 18-55mm lens? I do know that I need to have everything to manual and infinity. I would also like to know if I should just click a bunch at a time, or should I set the remote to bulb mode and let the lens stay open for 2 seconds or so. Any help or suggestions would be truly appreciated.
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