The dirty 30mm vs the Nifty 50mm

edited December 2013 Posted in » Canon 60D Forum
I have been getting increasingly confused about which is a better prime lens to buy, and which will be auto focus and easy to use. Basically I want to get some clean shots of artwork for my laptop. I am currently using a 18-200mm with super results, but it isn't as sharp as I would like. What lens can I use to get clear, stunning results?
I hear the sigma 30mm f/1.4 is the bomb at f/2.8, and is really sharp crisp even at the edges. Any suggestions?


  • edited December 2013
    I am going to give the Sigma 30mm f/1.4 DC HSM Lens a try. I did some checking and the prime lens is supposed to be close to your own vision. A 30mm for a f/1.6 frame camera is close about 48mm where as if I had a full frame camera (out of my budget) I would use a 50mm lens. I look forward to trying it out. The Sigma lens is supposed to be great compared to the other lenses out there, according to youtube. The f/1.4-2.8 f is better than the Canon L series, but at about f/8 Cannon comes back with a vengeance.

    It's amazing what you can find out with google and a bit of time! Ha!
  • edited December 2013
    Hi there,
    The Sigma is indeed a superb lens, however, it would not be my choice for shots of artwork.
    I would go for something like a 60mm or 100mm macro. Just my personal choice, so have fun with your 30mm.
    Regards, PBked
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