Best lens for scenery, landscapes and sunsets using the Nikon D5100

edited October 2013 Posted in » Nikon D5100 Forum
Hi! I just got a D5100 and I'm new to photography and learning. I am off to Malaysia and Singapore soon. I have the kit lens 18-55mm and want to get another all around lens so I am not changing the lens out there in the humidity. I will be shooting scenery, landscape, sunsets and I also what to be able to do depth of field shots (which I am still trying to figure out). Can anyone recommend what I should get?

Thank you in advance


  • edited September 2013
    You have many choices, some expensive some reasonable. One lens that I find is rarely off my camera on trips like this is the Tamron 18-270mm pzd. It is reasonably priced and is a pretty good all around performer. Some don't like it because of its lowest F stop of 3.5, which is not good for low light shots, but I find its 15x zoom range overrides this limitation. Others on this forum may well suggest their favorite lens also, but in the end it is up to you and your budget.
    Regards, PBked
  • edited September 2013
    If you want to play with depth of field, a f/1.8 prime will do. I like the 35mm and 50mm f/1.8 for what you described. Probably the 35mm would be better if you want to shoot anything wider like landscapes.
  • edited September 2013
    I'm new to photography too. I just got a 35mm f/1.8 for my D5100 and I'm very happy with it. I think that the 35mm is the best all around lens for you.
  • edited October 2013
    Hey @Robinson - You have received some great advice from @PBked, @Adelphos and @naaesc. I think a combination of an all-in-one lens like the Tamron 18-270mm (see here on Amazon) and a good low light prime lens like the 35mm f/1.8G (see my visual guide for this lens here) would be a fantastic combination for your trip.

    The Tamron would be great for landscapes, sunsets and scenery, while the Nikon 35mm lens would be great for low light and shallow depth of field stuff. All the best!
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