What setting do I use with the D5100 so that whole picture is in focus, not just the center or a particular spot?
Please find image below from the link:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/ritanu/8676002770/in/photostreamYou can see the image is nicely focused on the center, but the lower left corner is out of focus. Please suggest the setting to have the whole frame in focus.
You didn't say what lens you are using. Also, what aperture was used? Were you using auto or manual? There are a few reasons for this problem. I also noticed that there is a shadow cutting across the left front corner; this can also be a reason. Come back with a little more information so we can help.
Regards, PBked
Sorry, I just noticed your exif info on the flicker page. The AF points were covering most of the picture so no problem there. I notice that your metering mode is set to spot. This means that only a small portion in the center of the frame was being metered. Spot is mainly used for close-ups and in situations where backlighting is a problem. Try switching to another metering mode.
The other settings are ok with f/4.8 giving sufficient depth of field.
May sound silly, but also check your lens elements front and back. I had a friend who had the same problem as you. He had been a photographer for years and got frustrated that he couldn't work it out. He was most embarrassed when I wiped the fingerprint from the lens and cured the problem.
Best regards, PBked