I'm using manual mode along with live view. When I use the dial to change the aperture or speed, the live view image doesn't seem to change.
Example: If I set the shutter speed to 1/60, the aperture to f/3.5 and I start lowering the shutter speed (1/50 to 1/40 to 1/30, etc...), isn't the picture on screen supposed to get brighter and brighter?
What's wrong here? Does Nikon not have this feature? Thank you so much!
Liveview means that the mirror is up before the sensor. You can see on your LCD what your sensor is seeing. It doesn’t matter if you use liveview or the viewfinder, you will always see the scene through the lens on its widest possible apreture (f3.5, f2.8).
When you press the shutter button to take the picture, immediately after the aperture will change to your required settings (for example f/11). After the exposure, it will jump back to the widest aperture again.
The shutter speed affects the time until the light will hit your sensor. There are 2 curtains in front of your sensor (front curtain and rear curtain). While you’re taking the shot, the front curtain flips up, letting the light hit the sensor until the time you want (this is when the shutter speed comes up). Right after the rear curtain comes and cuts off the light in front of the sensor.
It doesn’t matter what aperture or shutter speed you set, those settings will only take affect while you are taking the shot (totally press the shutter button).