Shooting for different print sizes

edited March 2013 Posted in » Nikon D5100 Forum
Is there a setting on my D5100 that I can change, so that when I print the image doesn't get cut off? I know I have to crop a certain size in programs, so I don't have a problem there, I'm just wondering if there was a way on the camera.


  • @ejl - The D5100 does have a built-in crop mode, but it's used after you've already taken a shot. It sounds like you're looking for a way to adjust the image dimensions before you actually take the shot. Unfortunately, the D5100 doesn't have that capability.

    If you're running into issues where your subject is being cropped out of the image, you need to start zooming back a bit. By not zooming in so close, you'll have some extra "padding" around your subject that can be cropped out for a particular print size.

    Hope that all makes sense and happy shooting! :)
  • ejlejl
    edited March 2013
    Yes, it all makes sense. I do zoom back to avoid the cropping issue and I don't have any problems when I crop in programs. I was just wondring if there was an easier way. I actually do still get a little cropping issue even when I crop to say 8x10 in photoshop. Is that normal?
  • @ejl - As I'm sure you're well aware, 4x6, 5x7 and 8x10 all have different crop ratios, so they're all going to affect your image differently. I personally like to do square crops (like 10x10), which means I have to get rid of quite a bit. Knowing this in advance, I try my best to keep the majority of the subject/scene in the middle of the frame. It takes some getting used to. ;)
  • ejlejl
    edited March 2013
    Yes I am. I have learned to take the photo further away than I intend to print. Ive been doing pretty good with it. Thanks for your help.
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