Beginner Tips

edited February 2013 Posted in » Nikon D3100 Forum
I'm new to photography and I recently bought a D3100. Any pointers for beginners such as the do's and dont's?


  • edited February 2013
    Hi Joseph,
    Welcome to the world of DSLR. Your question may be a bit to open for us to answer. We would be more than happy to help if you could pin point in an area which you may need help with; there are endless do's and dont's.

    My do of the day is study the user manual and start to get familar with the cameras controls, that way when you want to change or do something you know where to look and can feel confident in using it.

    My don't of the day is don't change your lens in a windy or dusty environment. This will cause particles to get into the camera and onto the sensor.
  • edited February 2013
    Hi Joseph,

    I'm relatively new to the DSLR world myself but reading has been a big help. I found a book by David Busche (Amazon: and it has been a great help so far.

    Here's one do for you; take pictures of everything in sight! You will come upon a few interesting things about the camera and you'll surprise yourself by how much you learn.
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