Fog Pictures

edited January 2013 Posted in » Canon T2i Forum
I want to take pictures of landscape and animal (Elk) in foggy conditions. Not thick fog, but more like fog that is just rolling in. How do I get the shadows, animals, and landscape to stand out with the foggy look intact? I have an 18-55mm lens, a 55-250mm lens, a UV protector filter, Neutral Density filter, Circular Polarizer filter, and a Graduated 0.6 ND filter. Thanks for the help!


  • edited February 2013
    @luvmydog - Ideally you would want the elk to be in sharp focus, which is easier said than done in the early morning hours. At dusk and dawn, shutter speeds are going to be a bit slow on your 55-250mm telephoto zoom lens. This is due to the average aperture range of f/4 to f/5.6.

    So in order to get a sharp shot of the elk, you're going to need the help of a tripod. In addition to the tripod, you'll also need to bump the ISO up beyond 400. Probably in the 800 to 1600 range in order to get the shutter speed between 1/250 to 1/500.

    With the T2i mounted to your tripod, enable shutter priority and make sure your shutter speed doesn't fall below 1/250. As mentioned above, you'll probably have to bump up the ISO.

    To increase your odds of a sharp shot, I would also enable continuous burst mode which will allow you to rattle off a series of shots in quick succession.

    As for the foggy mist, much of that is brought out in post processing. I highly recommend Lightroom. It's the gold standard in my mind when it comes to post processing photos. Hope all of that makes sense and happy shooting!
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