Shooting mode on Screen/Monitor

edited December 2012 Posted in » Nikon D5100 Forum
Hi. I got my D5100 yesterday and shot a few pics. Then I pressed the i button which displays various settings for the camera. Now I'm unable to come out of the information display setting on my screen. If if need to click a photo I have to see it through the viewfinder. How do I get my screen back to shooting mode? I can click photos and review them, but I cannot see what I see in the viewfinder on my screen. Accidentally I could have pressed some wrong button. Please help me out with this.


  • If you want to see on your LCD screen what you see through your viewfinder, you need to activate the Live View, which raises the mirror. The information display that you're seeing on your LCD screen is the default unless you go into Live View.
  • edited January 2013
    That lever [Lv] placed around the mode dial.
  • edited January 2013
    Thanks GerardH & Cris_ck.
    I got it.
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