Grey Color on my Photos

edited December 2012 Posted in » Canon 60D Forum
Hi all,
I just recently bought a Canon 50mm lens (the nifty-fifty) and have been practicing with it. I notice however that all the pictures I'm taking with it are not sharp at all and they have a greyish color on them. Does anyone know what I could be doing wrong?

I wish there was somewhere I could post and you could see them.


  • edited December 2012
    @maiMelissa - Hi There! My first guess would be to check the white balance. Send me some of the shots to and I will have a look and get back to you.

  • edited December 2012
    hi Auston - I just emailed you two photos. Your help is mostly appreciated. Also, with this lens when I reduce the Fstop to less than 2.2 the bokeh is very bad. I have emailed those photos too.
  • edited December 2012
    @maiMelissa - Did the things we talked about help? If they did then we need to get the messages copy/pasted to here so it could help others, maybe.

  • edited December 2012
    Hi Auston, sorry I forgot to post feedback. I realized the ISO was too high and with the Fstop at 1.8 there was too much light going in, so I put ISO at Auto and Fstop at 2.2 and all is well in my photography world. Thanks so much for your help, it's really handy for someone to have a look at your pictures!
  • @maiMelissa - Glad we got that sorted out. I look forward to sharing images with you. You are on my Facebook, post what ya think about the ones I have on there. I love the feed back.

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