Hey Guys! I just need some help with focusing and Bokeh. This may sound really obvious to you pros, but when wanting to focus on something like a tree, do you just aim the square at the tree? Is it possible to focus on the leaves and leave the bark out of focus while getting it all in the picture? Also, I was wondering if I can focus on multiple objects? For example, say there was a line of street lamps, could you focus one at the front and one at the back and leave the middle one out of focus? I'm using the D3100 kit lens 18-55m and in four weeks I'm buying the 35mm AF G.
Try looking at Adobe Elements; it's relatively cheap and a good starting point.
Try doing some research on aperture and the effects it has when you select different stops. The AE lock button comes in use when you want to get creative; I use it quite regularly.
You will have great fun using the new lens. Get out there and snap away.