Older SD/SDHC Memory Cards

edited October 2012 Posted in » Nikon D3100 Forum
I have an older digital point and shoot camera. With this camera I have a lot of SD/SDHC memory cards with classes on the cards varying from class 2 to class 6. I know that it is recommended that for video on the D3100 that you use a minimum Class 6, but for photos would I still be able to use the cards rated in the class 2 to class 4 range? If so would I expect slower image processing and/or taking?


  • edited October 2012
    Hi bobs,
    I'm not a great fan of using a camera to shoot video; I tend to stick to just taking photos. When I first got into the world of DSLR I used a class 4 scandsk (can't rember exact name) and the camera coped pretty well. I couldn't afford a good card at the time so I used the ones from my point and shoot. Now I have a class 10 pro scandsk and it's in a totattly different field. You can notice the time it takes to record an image when shooting burst or higher apertures; it's a gem. I would never go back to anything else now, but I kept them in case I have an issue.
    You should be ok with a class 4 for images. You can pick up some good deals on amazon or eBay. Some people use the maximum memory possible, but I tend to stick to 8gb and just have a couple of them.
  • edited October 2012
    Hi Riddelske,
    Thanks for the advise. I'll try it out and see how it goes. I'm not really intending to use the camera to capture video, I was mainly looking to see if my older cards will be fine. Since I'm new to the DSLR world, I'm just trying to foresee what I'm getting myself into with this new hobby. So for anything lower than a Class 4 I should just keep to my point and shoot. If I want to utilize the burst mode of the camera I should use a Class 10 SD/SDHC card.

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