Prefered lens to use photographing Grand Canyon

Posted in » Canon T5i / 700D Forum
edited February 2017
My wife and I are planning a trip to Las Vegas, and I currently have the Canon T5i camera with the following lenses: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8, Canon 18-55mm, and a Canon 75-300mm. Just wondering which lens would give me the best results for photographing the Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam?
I have the cheat cards for all three lenses and noticed that landscape is on all three. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated!


  • edited February 2017
    Hi @MILLERS,
    For the Grand Canyon you will want to capture those nice wide vistas. I would plump for your 18-55mm. Your f/1.8 will do the job, but you don't have to think about depth of field so much with the 18-55mm.
    For the Hoover Dam, I would swap to the 75-300mm which will enable you to zoom in on details.
    Have a great trip and happy shooting.
  • While you're at it, if you don't want to plunk down cash for a very wide lens, I recommend that you look at panoramic stitching software, and do a little practice on it if you have some time.

    Microsoft makes a free program called "Microsoft ICE" which works surprisingly well on JPG files (no raw, unfortunately, but it's easy to convert). It's a very quick and cheap way to get the effect of a super wide lens.

  • edited March 2017
    I'm going on a cruise, and have a balcony. Would like to buy a zoom lens. Waiting to hear about the 150-500mm. Do you think I need this size of lens? I currently have a 300mm. Still learning settings and doing my best to use the manual.
  • edited March 2017
    Hi @TIMTOM,
    Unless you intend to photograph the eyes of butterflies at 200 yards on a regular basis, then the 150-500mm is a little over the top. Stick with your 300mm. If you are mounting it on a crop sensor like Canons 1.6 you will be getting a 480mm reach. On cameras with a 1.5 crop you will be getting a 450mm reach.
    On a cruise you might still want to use a tripod on that balcony unless the sea is really calm. I would also suggest a polarising or ND filter when filming over water.
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