Camera strap and filter recommendations

Posted in » Canon T5 / 1200D Forum
edited January 2015
Hi Moose, I'm looking to get myself a new camera strap and some filters. Do you any recommendations? Nothing too pricey though!


  • Hey @Throstle - Welcome to the forum! With regards to straps, it really depends on how you intend to use the camera. Some people like hand straps, while others like straps that can easily disconnect from the camera. There are also some new "strapless" mounting systems that allow you to attach your camera to a belt. If any of those options sounds interesting to you, I can point you in the right direction.

    With regards to filters, I would say the one that provides the most "wow" is a circular polarizer. If you do any shooting outdoors, a circular polarizer will saturate the sky quite a bit, giving you deeper blues and more cloud detail. The only other filter I would consider in the beginning is a neutral density filter. If you have any interest in smoothing out water (waterfalls, streams, etc...) during the day, a neutral density filter will allow you to do so. ND filters are also great for capturing video outdoors when you have a fast lens attached like the "nifty fifty" 50mm f/1.8.

    Happy shooting!
  • Thanks Moose. The type of strap I've got in mind is the sling type. A friend of mine recommended the Joby ultra sling strap for men. As for filters he recommends Hoya circular filters. What are your thoughts about these?
  • edited January 2015
    That Joby strap is nice. I love these straps that allow you to attach it to the bottom of the camera body and also use an Arca plate so you can quickly and easily mount it on a tripod.

    I’m a big fan and user of Peak Design’s products. I’ve been using the Leash for over a year and I feel like it’s just the perfect strap.

    I like how it takes minimal effort to attach or detach. So if I feel I’m in a situation where the strap gets in the way, I can just detach it. This takes 2 seconds and I can just fold it into my pocket since it’s so small and light. When I’m ready to attach it back, this again takes just 2 seconds.

    I like how I can attach one end to the side of the camera and the other end to the plate at the bottom of the camera. This allows the lens to point down rather than out and reduces the chance of it bumping into things.

    I like how it works together with the Capture clip which I find indispensable.

    Of course, as I mentioned before, mounting it on a tripod (or other stabilizing tools such as sliders, monopods, etc) is ridiculously easy since so many of them are Arca-compatible.
  • @Throstle - I've heard good things about the Joby ultra sling strap, although I haven't used it personally. I'll second what @ohyeahar mentioned. I too am a big fan of Peak Design. I've been using their sling strap called the "Slide" (see here: and absolutely love it. The ability to easily disconnect the strap is a big plus for me. I like to remove the strap when working with a tripod.

    Yep, Hoya is a good brand for filters. I actually have a Hoya circular polarizer and it's fantastic. Happy shooting!
  • edited January 2015
    Much obliged Moose! You've pointed me in the right direction! And thanks OHYEAHAR for your opinions!
  • Happy to help @Throstle. Don't be a stranger, if you learn any new tips or tricks with your T5/1200D, please do share them with the forum. Happy shooting!
  • edited January 2017
    Hi all,
    Which number ND filter is recommended, and do you connect it to a UV filter or fit it to the lens on its own (sorry I'm a newby and still learning)?
  • edited January 2017
    Hi @STEDO,
    You do not say in what situation you want to use an ND filter. Many people like to use a graduated ND filter - the filter rotates to give varying degrees of "darkness". They are most often used near water, glass and other reflective surfaces or on very bright days to darken blue skies. The filter is used on its own. If used in combination with other filters it could cause vignetting (darkening at the corners of the frame).
  • edited January 2017
    Thanks PBked, I'm trying to get into landscape/outdoor photography. I am wanting to do a special photo which means something to me, and that's getting a photo of a waterfall with the flow/misting effect. Would you recommend I just buy a graduated filter and just try different settings?
    Apologies for not being up to scratch with the photography lingo yet.
  • edited January 2017
    Hi again @STEDO,
    For the kind of effect you are looking for, most photographers would use quite a dark non-graduated filter, but choose a good one such as Hoya. In the case of filters it is very much 'you get what you pay for' although some might disagree with me.
    Please do a search on these forums because I seem to remember this topic has come up before for this very scenario and the advice given was excellent.
    You might check this site out:
  • edited January 2017
    Thanks PBked.
    I'm a bit like you when it comes to buying stuff, I prefer to pay the extra and get something that's going to work/last.
    I've just bought a circular polarizing filter, so I think I'll be buying an ND filter set next. Thanks for the info.
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