Shooting videos

edited September 2015 Posted in » Nikon D3200 Forum
I just bought your cheat sheets, and they look really helpful, but I was wondering how I would use this camera to do youtube videos? What settings etc? I am in a small, well lit room with a window in front of me. I have bought the neewer 48 led macro ring light that attaches to the lens and I was thinking about getting 2 umbrella lights too. Any help would be great.


  • Hi Rachel,

    Video on the D3200 can be done, but it's not easy. The biggest challenge is audio. The built-in mic is horrible. It picks up the autofocus motor of the lens and makes the subject sound like they're talking in a tunnel. Without a doubt, you'll want to get a shotgun mic.

    As for video settings, if you want that movie/film look, set the frame rate to 24p. As a general rule of thumb, you want the shutter speed to be double that of the frame rate. So shoot in shutter priority and set it to 1/50. For the ISO, indoors I would probably start out at 800 and see how that looks. If it's too dark, try to increase the amount of ambient light. Otherwise, bump up the ISO bit more.

    That should get you started in the right direction. All the best!
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